
Professional CV - $320.00

Job Search Coaching, Interview Skills Coaching & Career Coaching is charged at $160 per hour

Career Transition

Career Planning: Individuals

Career Coaching for Teens:



The purpose of CareerSmart is to stimulate self-reflection and build self-awareness, and provide students with an assessment report that contains extensive data on how they view themselves, their potential, and their career orientations. 

The assessment is combined with an hour of coaching.

Career Coaching for Teens:



CareerPlanet is a platform that encourages young people to think not only about their personal goals, but also about how they can make a positive impact on the world. It acknowledges different ways of thinking and perceiving the world. It focuses on the collective good, promoting the idea that careers should be approached with a desire to make a positive impact on society. Rather than simply asking “What do I want to be?”, CareerPlanet encourages users to think about what they want to be involved in that could benefit the greater good.

The assessment is combined with an hour of coaching.

Career Coaching for Adults:



CareerIntelligence – is an assessment tool that determines what is required to align with ‘best fit’ roles or transition criteria, and identify areas for training and development.

The assessment is combined with 1.5 hours of coaching

Support for Professional Practice in Social Development careers (Community Workers, Career Practitioners etc)

Professional practice coaching



Professional practice coaching – critical reflective practice, ethics, privacy, boundaries, micro-counselling skills, strength-based peer supervision. Facilitation of workshops and coaching charged at $160.00 per hour.

Leadership and Management Coaching

Leadership Forecast for Senior Managers


Provides an in-depth look at a leader’s performance capabilities, challenges, and core drivers. It can be used for succession planning decisions and leadership development, with current and future leaders excelling. You’ll gain strategic self-awareness to leverage your strengths, avoid behaviors that get in the way of success, and gain insight into the culture you create for your team based on your motivators and values.

The assessment is combined with 3 hours coaching.

Leadership Insight for Emerging and Middle Managers


Provides a comprehensive yet concise overview of individual strengths, performance risks, and core values to help you as a professional develop strategic self-awareness.

The assessment is combined with 1.5 hours coaching.

Middle Managers


Myers Briggs Type Indicator® – focuses on identity in your life and work. The MBTI® is a psychometric tool to enrich people’s understanding of themselves and others. It’s an assessment that provides insight into what makes you you. By developing a clearer sense of self-awareness and awareness of others, you’re able to better frame decisions, reduce miscommunication, and understand personal needs more effectively. And that’s a great skill to have.

The assessment is combined with 2 hours coaching.